воскресенье, 9 марта 2014 г.

Theatre by W.S. Maugham

Chapters 3-6

I. Explain in English or give definitions of and find contextual synonyms for the following words and phrases:

Asset – a major benefit (a useful quality)
a sumptuous supper – splendor suggesting great expense (lavish)
extravagance - the practice of spending a lot of money, especially more than you should (wastefulness)
thrift – wise economy in the management of money (frugality)
to remonstrate – criticize someone about something (affirm)
equanimity – a calm mental state when you deal with a difficult situation (imperturbability)
at a loose end – in an uncertain or unsettled situation or position (on the mooch)
to jeopardize – to expose to loss or injury (to run chances)
alacrity – cheerful readiness (eagerness)
susceptible to – easily influenced or affected (pliable)
obsequious – too keen to please someone, in a way that does not seem sincere (menial)
a retainer - a servant, especially one who has worked for someone from a high social class for a long time (man)

II. Find quotations in the text. State their meaning and their function.

“I could not love thee, dear, so much, loved I not honour more”
“Lord, what fools these mortals be”. Jimmie Langton couldn’t understand why Julia being the greatest actress in England loved untalented Michael.
The main function of these phrases is to show that actors learn a lot by heart and very often they use these phrases in their everyday life.

III. Explain the metaphor "she is a millstone round his neck." Who does it refer to?

"She is a millstone round his neck" refers to Julia and Michael. He became a star and she insisted on playing with him. If he was in management he had to give her leading parts and if he engaged someone else there were most frightful scenes.

IV. Comment on the context of the following phrases:

- "He was too modest to resent an unfavourable criticism." (Ch.3) – Michael understood that he had very poor talent and only his handsome appearance made him successful. “He was pleased by their approval, but not cast down by their censure”.

- "... after all he was born a gentleman." (Ch.4) – Michael’s parents wanted him to be a military. They thought that all actors were immoral, but when Julia told about Michael’s talent his mother said “Of course we hope he’ll do well”. “I know it doesn’t mean so much as when I was a girl, but after all he was born a gentleman”.

- "He is going to be a flop." (Ch.5) – These words were said by Jimmie Langton. He was sure that Michael was going to be a flop because he knew that Michael didn’t have any talent.

- "'I suppose it's beastly of me,' she thought, 'but thank God, thank God.'" (Ch.6) – This phrase was said by Julia. She was happy to hear that Michael didn’t have a success in New York.

VI. What techniques are employed by the author to make the reader see the events through Julia's eyes?
The author used a lot of dialogs, descriptions, quotations and allusions to make the reader to see the events through Julia’s eyes.

VII. Answer the questions:
1. Who was Jimmie Langton and what role did he play in Julia's and Michael's lives?
Jimmie was the director of the theatre. He looked for the actors for his theatre by himself. He invited Julia to his theatre and made her a great actress. A year later he gave a job to Michael. Julia saw Michael and she fell in love with him.
2. When did Julia and Michael join the Middlepool Theatre Company?
At first Julia joined the Middlepool theatre. Michael had been playing in another theatre for three years, when he was noticed by Langton to join Middlepool Theatre.
3. How did Julia and Michael get to know each other?
At first Julia joined the Middlepool theatre. “When Michael joined company, Julia had been playing Middlepool for a year”. They acted in the same performance. “She fell in love with Michael at first sight. She had never seen a more beautiful young man, and she pursued him relentlessly”. “Soon they were inseparable”.
4. What did Julia like about Michael? He was handsome and his appearance attracted her.
4. What did Michael think of good looks and decent families?
“ Anyone can be good-looking”, he answered, with his sweet smile, “but not everyone  can belong to a decent family. To tell you the truth I’m glad my governor’s gentleman”.
5. How did Julia feel about her family?
She was proud of her family, in spite of the fact her father was a vet.
6. What were Michael's views on marriage?
He said that an actor’s a perfect fool to marry young. There are so many cases in which it absolutely ruins a chap’s career. Especially if he marries an actress”.
7. Why did Michael find Julia extravagant?
“It cost a good deal more than she could afford and he smilingly reproached her for her extravagance. He never dreamt what ecstatic pleasure it gave her to spend her money on him”.
8. What did Michael read newspaper reviews for? Did Julia share his views?
“He read the reviews, and their praise of Julia, but he read summarily, without paying much attention till he came to the remarks the critics made about him. He was pleased by their approval, but not cast down by their censure. He was too modest to resent an unfavorable criticism”. As for Julia, she wasn’t interested in reviews.
9. Who invited Julia to Michael's house for the Holy Week?
Julia received a letter from Mrs.Gosselyn, Michael’s mother.
10. Did Michael's father meet Julia's expectations?
Julia found the Colonel not so alarming person than she had expected: he was civil, but reserved, generous. He read The Times, went to church on Sunday and accompanied his wife to tea-parties.
11. What impression did Julia produce on Michael's parents?
They liked her.
12. Was the proposal expected by Michael's parents?
Michael’s parents expected the proposal as they invited Julia to their house.
13. What professional offer did Michael receive and who facilitated this?
Michael received a professional offer from an American producer. Jimmie Langton facilitated this.
14. What steps did Julia take upon finding Michael was leaving for America?
She went to Jimmie’s house and she cried loudly at him, she said that he was a devil. At that moment she was violent and strong.
15. Was Michael a success in America?
Michael failed in America.
16. Did Julia keep in touch with him while he was away?
She wrote him very often.
17. Was Julia eager to meet Michael straight at the station?
Julia was eager to meet Michael straight at the station. “When he announced the date of his sailing, she could not contain her joy. She got Jimmie so to arrange his program that she might go and meet him at Liverpool”.
18. What were Michael's impressions after staying and working in America?
He was sure, he was too English. They didn’t want him another year. He didn’t like America. Even if they had wanted him to stay, he should have refused.
19. What was Michael going to do in England and what were his prospects?
He wanted to open his own theatre and made Julia the main actress.

VIII. Summarize the events of chapters 3-6.
Julia became famous and successful actress. A year later she met Michael and fell in love with him. She made a lot to be with him. At Easter holiday Michael introduced Julia to his parents. At the same time he offered his hand to Julia and she agreed. Coming back home, Michael signed contract with an American interpreter. Michael got a flop and returned home. He had some money to open a theatre.

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